I'm glad to announce that XenCentral Trading System 1.1.0 is released. It implements many new features in product back-end and enhancements in user interface allowing users to feel more comfortable and to easily get any data they need.
New features implemented:
For installation/upgrade instruction please check here.
Also make sure to enter valid user name in product settings page under "Administrator Username" so PM notifications could be sent-out.
Thanks all!
I'm glad to announce that XenCentral Trading System 1.1.0 is released. It implements many new features in product back-end and enhancements in user interface allowing users to feel more comfortable and to easily get any data they need.
New features implemented:
- Dedicated section in User Preferences page for trading-related preferences. Section is accessible from account settings page, profile drop-down menu and as sub-menu of trading system navbar button. Currently it allows to change new feedback notification settings and enable invisible mode (available only if user belongs to usergroups having appropriate permission).
- Notify user via email/PM/alert for each feedback type. Possibility to get batch notifications hourly/daily/weekly.
- Invisible mode. Option in administration page to choose usergroups allowed to use invisible mode. Invisible mode can be enabled/disabled from Trading Preferences page.
- Option in administration page to choose usergroups allowed to see actions by invisible users.
- Detailed user statistics with graphical display. Two types of statistics are currently implemented for feedback percentage and new feedback left. It is possible to filter results for any date interval and by feedback type (positive, negative, neutral). Possibility to disable flash chart and get cross-browser compatible version of chart. Statistics page is accessible as sub-item of Trading System navbar button and under Extended Stats link for each user from user's trading profile page. The main page shows total statistics for the board and user's page shows statistics for that particular user only.
- Link to user's trading profile in user information pop-up
- Completely redesigned trading profile page. By default configurable number of items is shown in sections "Feedback for user" and "Feedback left by user". The first section is fully configurable by user using many filter criteria (feedback type, feedback by seller, buyer, trader, feedback left by some user(s), date interval etc.) and the list is updated using AJAX technology. Number of maximum filter results to show is configurable from product's settings page. "View More" link is available to view older feedback left by user until no more data is available.
- Configuration options for Latest Activity block. Enable/disable auto-reload, filter by activity type (e.g. only show action of adding feedback or viewing someone's trading profile etc.), filter by user name.

For installation/upgrade instruction please check here.
Also make sure to enter valid user name in product settings page under "Administrator Username" so PM notifications could be sent-out.
Thanks all!